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您现在的位置是:首页 >> 产品中心 >> 塑料软管 >> 重磨损物料 >>PH24B 重磨损物料输送管

PH24B 重磨损物料输送管

PH24B 重磨损物料输送管

温度.-40 °C + 90 °C (短时间可耐+125 °C) 应用:
适用于磨损性物料例如颗粒、碎料的传输和抽吸。 在塑料行业,PCB行业中可用于塑料粒子和碎料的高速传输。在印刷行业及工业真空清洁领域也得到广泛应用.
非螺旋处壁厚恒定为1.5毫米 内壁平滑,保证物料流动顺畅 机械特性及真空性能卓越,厚实但柔韧,耐磨,耐 矿物油和多数化学物质。
符合TRBS2153规定,ROHS2011/65EC指合,REACH Regu lati on(1907/2006)法规

Temperature range:-40 °C+ 90 °C (intermittent to + 125 °C)
Ideal for suction and delivery many type of highly abrasive media in a wide range of industries: such as granules,abrasive powders, pllelse.Suitable to be used for conveying systems in plastic sector, woodworking,glass and ceramic industries,construction and mate- rial handling,vacuum excavation,shot blast.
Technical features:
Ester-based Polyurethane reinforced with PU coated high adhesion coppered steel spiral.
Constant wall thickness 1.5mm under the spiral.
Smooth inside to ensure optimization of flow.
Excellent mechanical properties and vacuum perances: strong but still flexible resistance to abrasion,UV rays,mineral oils,most chemicals.
Halogens free.
Phthalates free.
The hose becomes electiall-conductiv by grounding the spiral (both ends).
TRB S 2153, RoHS 2011/65/EU Directive,REACH Regulation (1907/2006)

  • 产品详情
产品型号 内径 最小壁厚 重量 弯曲半径 真空  长度 体积 
code inside diameter  min wal weight nominal bending radius vacuum length  volume
PH24B (mm) (mm) (g/m) (mm) (bar) (m) (m3)
PH24B038 38 1.5 505 40 9. 5 20 0. 074
PH24B040 40 1.5 530 50 9. 5 20 0. 077
PH24B045 45 1.5 590 50 9. 0 20 0. 090
PH24B050 50 1.5 650 60 9. 0 20 0. 099
PH24B051 51 1.5 660 60 9. 0 20 0. 106
PH24B060 60 1.5 770 70 8. 5 20 0. 122
PH24B063 63 1.5 805 70 8. 0 20 0. 148
PH24B070 70 1.5 1000 80 7. 5 20 0. 165
PH24B076 76 1.5 1080 90 7. 0 20 0. 232
PH24B080 80 1.5 1135 90 6. 0 20 0. 254
PH24B100 100 1.5 1405 120 4. 0 15 0. 281
PH24B102 102 1.5 1430 120 3. 5 15 0. 286
PH24B110 110 1.5 1540 130 3. 2 15 0. 307
PH24B120 120 1.5 1675 140 3. 0 15 0. 356
PH24B127 127 1.5 2070 150 2. 9 15 0. 405
PH24B130 130 1.5 2120 150 2. 6 15 0. 414
PH24B140 140 1.5 2275 160 2. 4 15 0. 504
PH24B150 150 1.5 2435 170 2. 0 15 0. 537
PH24B152 152 1.5 2465 170 2. 0 15 0. 544
PH24B160 160 1.5 2590 180 1.8 15 0. 662
PH24B180 180 1.5 2770 210 1.5 15 0. 855
PH24B200 200 1.5 3070 230 1.2 15 1. 130
PH24B203 203 1.5 3115 230 1.2 15 1. 146
PH24B250 250 1.5 3815 290 0. 8 10 1. 170
PH24B254 254 1.5 3875 290 0. 8 10 1. 188
PH24B279 279 1.5 4250 320 0. 7 10 1. 301
PH24B305 305 1.5 5570 350 0. 7    









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